5 Reasons To Always Offend Women

Below are the 5 reasons why you should always cause misunderstanding with a woman. If you don't do it, she will do it and will end up seeing your gentle nature as weakness (a weakling). And trust me, you don't want to look like a weakling because in the end, you will end up with a broken heart.

Women by nature love troublemakers. When you offend a woman, she will be angry with you, then when the storm is over and the two of you reconcile, the love will be stronger than before.

4. SEX
Being a troublesome boyfriend or husband keeps women on their toes. Women will always be scared to upset you. When the two of you fight and after some days of not talking with each other, the reconciliation will  come with sex, & this sex will be more exhilarating and filled with anticipation.

Offending a woman is one of the keys to making her bond with you. When the drama is over and you talk about your life together, she will be happy. Sex means a lot to men while bond and commitment mean a lot to women.

Upsetting  a woman, gives her the impression that you  have better options. This will make you appear hard to get & women love what is hard to get. Just as people generally  cherish what is about to slip away from them, unattainable, or something unavailable more than what is readily available at all time.

At the heat of the drama, she will disrespect you, cuss you and all. When the drama is over, bring her to your chest, pamper her, and watch her respect for you elevate. Everyone will respect each other and their boundaries as the love and respect grow stronger.

After some time, the love and respect will begin to reduce again, then cause another trouble again. As you do this, years will elapse and she won't know why she's addicted to you.

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